Here you have a sample cron under crons/server_stats.php that stores the percentage of use of the CPU every 5 minutes.
This cron is run by Linux cron. To define it do:
crontab -eAnd then write a line like:
*/5 * * * * /path/to/server_stats.php
Here is the code, pretty straightforward
#!/usr/bin/env php # Remember to set as executable with chmod +x # install it with crontab -e # */5 * * * * /path/to/server_stats.php <?php /** * Creator: Carles Mateo * Date Created: 2014-01-29 20:28 * Last Updater: Carles Mateo * Last Updated: 2014-01-30 14:55 * Filename: server_stats.php * Description: Stores the stats of the server in the Cassandra Db */ $s_path = dirname(__FILE__); if (substr($s_path,-1) != '/' && substr($s_path,-1) != '\\') { $s_path .= '/'; } require_once $s_path.'../config/general.php'; require_once CATFW_CORE_ROOT.'datetime.class.php'; require_once CATFW_CORE_ROOT.'security.class.php'; require_once CATFW_CORE_ROOT.'file.class.php'; require_once CATFW_CORE_ROOT.'db.class.php'; use CataloniaFramework\Db as Db; $st_db_config = Array( 'read' => Array( 'servers' => Array(0 => Array('connection_type' => Db::TYPE_CONNECTION_CASSANDRA_CQLSI, 'connection_method' => Db::CONNECTION_METHOD_TCPIP, 'server_hostname' => '', 'server_port' => Db::PORT_DEFAULT_CASSANDRA, 'username' => 'www_cassandra', 'password' => 'passCassandra', 'database' => 'cataloniafw', 'client_encoding' => 'utf8' ) ) ), 'write' => Array( 'servers' => Array(0 => Array('connection_type' => Db::TYPE_CONNECTION_CASSANDRA_CQLSI, 'connection_method' => Db::CONNECTION_METHOD_TCPIP, 'server_hostname' => '', 'server_port' => Db::PORT_DEFAULT_CASSANDRA, 'username' => 'www_cassandra', 'password' => 'passCassandra', 'database' => 'cataloniafw', 'client_encoding' => 'utf8' ) ) ) ); $s_node = 'CRON01'; $o_db = new Db($st_db_config); // Simple insert $s_uuid = \CataloniaFramework\Security::getUUIDV4(); $s_unix_datetime = \CataloniaFramework\Datetime::getDateTime(\CataloniaFramework\Datetime::FORMAT_UNIXTIME); $s_datetime = \CataloniaFramework\Datetime::getDateTime(\CataloniaFramework\Datetime::FORMAT_MYSQL_COMP); $i_error_code = 0; // Use top to get CPU usage. // Finally converts Catalan decimals comma separated to American decimals point separated in case locale did transformations // Tested with Ubuntu 13.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 with different locales $s_command = "top -b -n1 | sed 's/%/ /g' | sed 's/,/./g' | awk '/Cpu/ {print $2 + $4}' | sed 's/,/./g'"; $s_cpu_used = system($s_command, $i_error_code); $s_cql = "INSERT INTO serverstats (vdate, unix_datetime, node, vname, vvalue, datetime) VALUES ('$s_vdate', $s_unix_datetime, '$s_node', 'CPU_USED', '$s_cpu_used', '$s_datetime');"; $st_results = $o_db->queryWrite($s_cql); if ($st_results['result']['error'] > 0) { echo 'The query: '.$st_results['result']['query'].' returned error: '.$st_results['result']['error_description']."\n"; } else { echo 'Row inserted!'."\n"; }